Week 6 ( March 8), 2012
Speaker: Paolo Balduzzi
Title: "Proportional Systems with Free Entry. A Citizen-Candidate Model", with Sandro Brusco.
Week 4 (December 14), 2012
Speaker: Vardan Baghdasarya
Title: Electoral fraud and voter turnout.
Week 3 (November 23), 2012
Speaker: Fabrizio Panebianco
Title: "Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects ", with Sergio Currarini and Elena Fumagalli.
Week 2 (November 9), 2012
Speaker: Giovanna Iannantuoni
Title: "Moderating Government", with Francesco De Sinopoli and Leo Ferraris
Week 1 (October 26), 2012
Speaker: Emilio Calvano
Title: "Either or both competition: a "two-sided" theory of advertising with overlapping viewerships", with Attila Ambrus and Markus Reisinger.
Week 12 (June 8), 2012
Speaker: Shlomo Weber
Title: Games of Social Interaction and Formation of Political Alliances.
Week 11 (May 25), 2012
Speaker: Elena Manzoni
Title: "Guilt aversion in trust games", with Giuseppe Attanasi and Pierpaolo Battigalli.
Slides: here
Papers: Battigalli P. and M Dufwenberg (2007), Guilt in Games, AEA Paper and Proceedings, Charness G. and M. Dufwenberg (2006), Promises and Partnership, Econometrica
Week 10 (May 18), 2012
Speaker: Sarah Draus
Title: Circuit Breakers and Market Runs
Paper: "Circuit Breakers and Market Runs", with Mark Van Achter
Week 9 (May 11), 2012
Speaker: Aldo Gonzalez
Title: "Does Input Purchase Collusion Foster Downstream Collusion?"
Week 8 (April 27), 2012
Speaker: Luca Savorelli
Title/Paper: Asymmetric cross-price effects and collusion
Week 7 (March 30), 2012
Speaker: Paolo Pertile
Title: The dynamics of drug pricing regulation and R&D investments
Paper: "The dynamics of drug pricing regulation and R&D investments", with R. Levaggi and M. Moretto
Week 6 (February 3), 2012
Speaker: Laura Abrardi
Paper: Two-sided asymmetric information in competitive insurance markets
Week 5 (January 20), 2012
Speaker: Salvatore Piccolo
Paper: "Optimal Accomplice-Witnesses Regulation under Asymmetric Information", with Giovanni Immordino.
Week 4 (December 2), 2011
Speaker: Giovanni Ursino
Title: Advertising, Deception and Competition
Paper: "The Economics of Advertising, Introduction", by Kyle Bagwell
Week 3 (November 18), 2011
Speaker: Filippo Pavesi
Title: Experts, Conflicts of Interest and Reputation
Paper: "Political Correctness" by Stephen Morris, JPE 2001
Week 2 (November 4), 2011
Speaker: Emilio Calvano
Title: The Economics of Internet: a Two Sided Market Perspective
Papers: "The Economics of Internet" by J. Levine; "Issues in on-line advertising and competition policy: a two-sided market perspective" by E. Calvano and B. Jullien
Week 1 (October 7), 2011
Speaker: Piero Tedeschi
Title: "Reputation and Competition with After-Sales Services"
June 17, 2011
Speaker: Vardan Baghdasarya
Title: Voter turnout in large elections: two ways to explain turnout in costly voting environment
Paper(s): (1) Feddersen, Timothy and Alvaro Sandroni, "A Theory of Participation in Elections", American Economic Review, Vol. 96, No. 4 (Sep., 2006), pp. 1271-1282; (2) Taylor, Curtis R. and Huseyin Yildirim, "Public information and electoral bias", Games and Economic Behavior 68 (2010) 353–375
June 10, 2011
Speaker: Claudia Meo
Title: Information sharing within coalitions in asymmetric information economies
Papers: (1) Wilson, Robert B, 1978. "Information, Efficiency, and the Core of an Economy," Econometrica, vol. 46(4), p. 807-16; and (2) Allen, Beth, 2006. "Market games with asymmetric information: the core", Economic Theory 29, p. 465–487.
May 27, 2011
Speaker: Alessandro Fedele
Title: Italian moneycracy
Paper: Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci, "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions", Contemporary Educational Psychology 25, 54–67 (2000)
Slides: here
May 13, 2011
Speaker: Emanuele Tarantino
Title: Communication and disclosure among competitors
Paper(s): Stein, J. C. "Conversations among Competitors". American Economic Review 98(5), Dec. 2008, 2150–2162
April 15, 2011
Speaker: Stefano Colombo
Title: Oligopolistic spatial frameworks
Paper: Lederer, P. and Hurter, A. 1986. "Competition of Firms: Discriminatory Pricing and Location". Econometrica. 54, No. 3. (May): 623-640.
April 1, 2011
Speaker: Elena Manzoni
Title: Citizen-candidate models and the puzzle of the spoiler candidate
Paper: T. Besley and S. Coate, An Economic Model of Representative Democracy, QJE, 112 (Feb. 1997), 85-114.
March 4, 2011
Speaker: Massimo Bordignon
Title: Exit and voice. Yardstick versus fiscal competition across governments.
Paper(s): Exit and voice. Yardstick versus fiscal competition across governments.
February 18, 2011 (postponed to Feb 25)
Speaker: Paolo Balduzzi
Title: Herding Behavior
Papers: (1) Banerjee, A. V., "A Simple Model of Herd Behavior", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 107, No. 3 (Aug., 1992), pp. 797-817; and (2) Bikhchandani, S., D. Hirshleifer and I. Welch, "A Theory of Fads, Fashion, Custom, and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 100(5) (Oct. 1992), 992-1026
February 4, 2011
Speaker: Carlos Pimienta
Title/Paper: On the Equivalence between (Quasi-)Perfect and Sequential Equilibria.
“The dynamics of drug pricing regulation and R&D investments”. Il paper è coautorato da R. Levaggi e M. Moretto
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